A very good question to ask any candidate!
My answer is a result of what I passionately believe needs to be done to sustain what we have in Kearney.
Four years ago I helped identify the key issues of the town's ratepayers. I now recognize that these are the same issues being raised in every area of Kearney today. Please note that not one of these issues have been addressed. In many cases they have gotten significantly worse. I personally have offered to help and have been rejected or ignored on every occasion. I had a choice. Run for election and directly take responsibility for making the change happen or allow things to stay as they are. I have not and will not give up!
Here is the list……
Municipal Governance
o The need for change in the Ward system- This issue was first raised in earlier elections. After overwhelming public support for change, Council refused even to discuss the issue. Barry Dingwall and I were forced to go to the Ontario Municipal Board for resolution. We were vindicated and the Wards have now been abolished. If you are interested read excerpts from the APPELANTS CLOSING REMARKS KEARNEY WARD CASE at the end of this blog.
The current decision by Council to remove the mail-in ballot will severely reduce seasonal resident’s ability to vote. (Starting to see a pattern of behavior?)
Unfortunately this decision could not be appealed. However it did remove any doubt from my mind that I needed to run. I will fight to get your remote access to vote restored if I am elected!
o Council meeting schedule, time and agenda- The current Council has eliminated the evening meetings. This in effect removes access to Council for all working people and seasonal residents. Even if you attend you have lost the right to ask a question during the meeting. If elected I will strongly argue for these measures to be immediately repealed.
There is one set of changes that have made a very positive impact! The agenda is now available earlier and has better information.
o The high level of taxation and excessive tax increases- The taxation system is controlled by the Province. The Council is responsible for the majority of the increases in expenditures. Check out the numbers yourself. What changes have occurred over the last 4 years in office staff? What changes have there been in Professional and Consultant fees? You won’t like the answers.
o Manage the town’s expenditures more effectively- I personally have offered at no cost to review the town processes and cost. (I have a business background in this area.) My offers have always been rejected. Meanwhile the town expenditures escalate at an alarming rate. If elected I will offer to do a review of the towns operations.
o Uncontrolled development has and still is the major issue. Anything goes in Kearney. There is no enforcement of the Official Town Plan. There isn’t widespread understanding of what the Official Town Plan requires; I made a delegation in 2007 to Council. (copy following) I also went to the Environmental Committee. Both agreed to take action. Nothing has changed. We still have no bylaws. The clear cutting and shore degradation continues unabated. I volunteered to work on a bylaw sub Committee. Again my offer of help was rejected. If elected I will offer to chair the Committee to address this issue.
o Implement the Watershed Study recommendations- I am not aware of anything ever happening.
o Create an ongoing septic and lake inspection program to ensure we protect our water quality - Nothing has been done.
o Concerns about reopening of the Graphite mine were raised-
The town refused to take an active role in organizing a public meeting. I made a delegation to Council on this subject. I was told to do it myself which I did. Don Baxter the Mine President was excellent to work with. However, the Town, to my knowledge, has not followed up with his offer to fund ongoing independent testing and to have an annual/biannual meeting to review the mines status and any issues. I have been out to visit the mine last year. (at his invitation) I believe he will do his part if the town shows just a little bit of leadership. If elected I will offer to perform this role for Council.
Roads and other town services
o There have been long range and annual plans for road work. How many annual road plans have ever been completed? What is the problem? I hope to include this area in the Town operations review.
o The town assuming the Fisher Lake road and Hazard Hill Roads comes up in every election – Action did happen here. The people on these roads spent large sums of money for studies that confirmed what they knew before they started. It is too expensive to upgrade these roads to a level required by the town to assume them. The issue is no closer to resolution. If elected I will offer to Council to lead a review to determine what can be done based upon the town NOT assuming the roads.
Quality of Life
o The following were requests to review the need for by laws to:
Restrict the use of fireworks
Restrict use of firearms around residential buildings
Restrict Sunday hunting
Restrict the number intensity, and direction of exterior lighting on Lakefront properties
To my knowledge none of these have ever been reviewed or discussed.
o Enforcing current town by laws was raised as an issue in 2006. We are no closer today then we were then to enforcing bylaws.
The bottom line. I not only want to see changes in the above areas…. I am willing to work to help determine what these changes should be.
All parts of the community will have an opportunity to provide input. There issues are concerns to all of us. We can do this together!
My Delegation to Council August 31 2007: Managing Development Successfully
It is the ‘Wild West’ when it comes to lakefront development in Kearney. It appears anything goes. The evidence I have personally seen of new cottage development, changes to existing cottages and the public use of Crown land on Sand, Emsdale, Grass and Loon Lakes certainly appear not to follow the Town’s Official Plan. I am not the first to raise this issue to Council. Dave Matson the President of Proudfoot Lake Association raised the same issue at last month’s council meeting. I offer as did Dave Matson to arrange for a tour by Council of Grass and Loon Lake. Check it out yourself! Council has travelled the roads of Kearney. Take the time and travel the lakes.
We have the regulation and vision in the Official Plan. Implementation is now the problem
Why does it matter?
Our Association supports sustainable development around our lakes. Unfortunately development isn’t always done appropriately. Every year we hear of more Lakes with toxic algae blooms, destruction of the waterfront and other environmental problems. These problems are moving further north. It is up to us not to allow this to happen here.
The signs aren’t good.
I have spoken with Stephen Scholten Fisheries Biologist from the Ministry of Natural Resources. They have just concluded retesting of Grass and Loon lakes to measure temperature and dissolved oxygen. The trend of what he shared wasn’t good. MNR research has found that as oxygen gets progressively lower, below 7 parts per million (ppm), the ability of lake trout to meet their metabolic needs and to successfully reproduce becomes impaired. They recommend that no further shoreline development be permitted when the average oxygen concentration is at or near 7 ppm. The oxygen is reduced indirectly through increased phosphorus inputs from shoreline development. For both Grass and Loon lakes, the long term average is close to 7 ppm. (Refer appendix 1- Stephen Scholten Report) Practically this means if it goes below 7 ppm on an ongoing basis it will be the end of trout in our lakes.
In addition many cottagers are visibly seeing the negative changes. I have attached an email from one of our long term residents graphically describing the slime here grandchild now have to swim in.
I know development isn’t the only cause. However, I ask you. How many new cottages built like the one on Loon Lake will it take to destroy the ecology in the Lake? Do you really want to find out? We know we are close. I just hope the current disgusting example hasn’t already done it.
The good news is the Town’s new ‘Official Plan’ recognizes this fact and has put strict requirements on development to eliminate as much as possible any additional negative impact on the lakes. Legislation at both the Federal and Provincial levels is in place to help prevent further degradation. You have the power. It is now time to use it!
What can Council do?
Recommendation 1
Provide CLEAR and complete information regarding the land use requirements appended to the current Building Permit. The current Building Permit doesn’t mention the lakeshore development restrictions. (Refer to Kearney Development Permit document). It is a Provincial standard form designed only for building construction/change. The Grass and Loon Lake Residents Group will volunteer to help the town review their current documentation and to recommend changes.
Individuals can’t follow the regulations if they don’t know or don’t understand them.
Recommendation 2
A land use plan should be requested prior to any change to waterfront property as and additional part of the building permit requirements. This process has been successfully implemented in the Lake of Bays. Replicate it.
Please refer to Lake of Bays PDF files:
- brochure
- handbook
- application
Prevent the problems from happening in the first place. If they plan the right way fewer mistakes will be made
Recommendation 3
A land use inspection similar to a building inspection should be conducted to identify deficiency and enforce remedial action if necessary. The cost for this activity can be charged as a land use development fee.
Use enforcement when needed. Prove that if you plan to break the rules in Kearny you will have to restore the waterfront and pay fines.
Recommendation 4
Require that contractors be licensed by the Town (a nominal license fee) in order to do business in the Town. The consequences of failing to comply with the Official Plan/Zoning By-laws should result in a substantial fine and then after two infractions (ignorance is no excuse) loss of license to do business in the Town. In the case of waterfront development or development on environmentally sensitive land the Town should require a performance bond for any work being done.
Request that the local development Contractors sign an ‘Environmental Code of Conduct’ commitment. This document when drafted should refer to the environmental objectives in the Official Plan and reference the by-laws covering the contractors work. I recommend that the local Contractors be asked to assist in drafting of this document. We will publish the list of contactors that agree to sign it. Any contractors who are found not in compliance will be removed. Our Association will agree to publish this list. We will also request that other Associations publish it as well.
If a contractor doesn’t follow the rules the size of the penalty must hurt their bottom line. Let the buying public know who are responsible contractors. The marketplace will take care of the rest.
Next Steps
- Pass motion(s) agreeing in principal to the above recommendations.
- Request the CAO to investigate the Lake of Bays solutions and develop an implementation plan for Council approval by September 31.
- Form a small public implementation team to assist the COA where appropriate. This Committee should comprise of at least one Lake Association member and one local contractor.
- Take a tour of Grass and Loon Lakes. Schedule others as soon as practical.
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