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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why review the towns operations?

Excerpts from Councillor Wadsworth’s presentation to Council during this last budget exercise:
- “Staffing costs have increased from 2000 to 2008 from $189,000 to $693,000, (366%!) This increase doesn’t include a new public works employee, an administrator, and a manager.

- The Province publishes an efficiency measure (% of Total Municipal Operating costs that were spent on Governance and Corporate Management) Kearney spends 29.8%. All our neighbouring municipalities spend under 11%.

”Kearney has the dubious honour of:
• Having the highest tax levy increase (133%) from 2000-2008 of all of the local surrounding municipalities Note: This is 142% if you take 2009 into account.
• Having the highest tax levy increase (25%) from 2004-2008 of all of the local surrounding municipalities
• Having the highest average Municipal Taxes per Household.... $1880 of all of the local surrounding municipalities

No action has been taken by council. Even if you believe the town is very efficient, it is a responsible management practice to investigate the reasons for the above and take action if warranted. One thing I know for sure. Continued tax increases as we have seen will drive many people from their homes and cottages. The new Council must do what it can to stop this from happening!

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